CST 306 Algorithm Analysis and Design

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Course Progress Page
CA1 Model QP:  Topic: Floyd-Warshall Algorithm.
Consider the DAG directed graph with vertices 1, 2, 3, 4 with weighted edges 1-2:1, 1-3:4, 2-3:3, 2-4:8, 3-4:3
Construct the Distance and Predecessor matrices from the initilaization steps of the algorithm.

Go through the rest of the algorithm and rewrite the matrices only when there is a change in values. For such cases write the values of k, i, j also. Ensure to re-write the matrices for each change.

CA1 is scheduled for 20/04/23 10 AM.
Venue will be informed in class.

The CA is based on the discussion in class. Algorithms and illustrations should comply with the discussions in the class.

Write answers to the above question on your own in advance and carry it in one/two paper sheets to the test hall for reference. Answers written by some one else may not help you much. No need to attach it with the test answer sheets.

Do not bring any other material to the test hall.

Also bring blank sheets to write the test. Twine or stapler will be arranged.

Neatly write the answers in the stipulated time. No discussion or exchange of material with others are permitted.

Please don't abstain. Re-chance will not be an easy choice.

Note this:
Construct the Distance and Predecessor matrices from the initilaization steps of the algorithm.

Go through the rest of the algorithm and rewrite the matrices only when there is a change in values. For such cases write the values of k, i, j also. Ensure to re-write the matrices for each change in the matrix.
No need to write the steps or algorithm.

20/4:  CA1 Answer key and scheme

24/4 CA1 Marks

CA2 will be conducted on 22/6 or 23/6
It will be based on Branch and Bound algorithm to solve TSP.

Model Question
Solve the TSP problem using Branch & Bound method as discussed in class for the given graph

CA2 instructions
Scheduled for 10 - 11.10AM, 23/6/23.

The CA is based on the discussion in class. Algorithms and illustrations should comply with the discussions in the class.

Write answers to the above question on your own in advance and carry it in one/two paper sheets to the test hall for reference. Answers written by some one else may not help you much. No need to attach it with the test answer sheets.

Do not bring any other material to the test hall.

Also bring blank sheets to write the test. Twine or stapler will be arranged.

Neatly write the answers in the stipulated time. No discussion or exchange of material with others are permitted.

Please don't abstain. Re-chance will not be an easy choice.

CA2 Answer - key points - not the complete answers.
G2         G3 

CA2 Marks

CA2R Marks

11/4:  T1 evaluations have been completed. Marks are here.
Check them and claim your marks if you feel that current marks are less than what it should be.
So for that, be well prepared about the questions and answers and put forth valid logical arguments.
Requests like "could you explain where I lost marks so that I can improve next time" will not be entertained normally.
All of you are requested to check the answer papers and ensure that you get rewarded with the marks you are eligible for.
Emails in this regard also will not be entertained for the time being as personal interactions are required to discuss queries if any, properly.

12/6:  Topics for T2

Module 3:
The Control Abstraction of Greedy Strategy
Fractional Knapsack Problem
Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Computation- Kruskal’s Algorithms - Analysis
Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm - Dijkstra’s Algorithm-Analysis.

Module 4:
The Control Abstraction of Dynamic programming.
The Optimality Principle
Matrix Chain Multiplication-Analysis

The Control Abstraction of Back Tracking
The N Queen’s Problem.

Module 5:
All topics covered until exam

18/6: T2 marks


T1R Marks

T2R Marks

26/6/23, 27/6, 28/6(Almost final)
Tentative, provisional sessional is ready.
(Last column shows your internal marks)

Attendance data is pending update and will be reflected in the sessional also.
Attendance Students are expected to attend all the classes. Please be there at the class at the time of commencement.

Attendance shall be marked only if physically present in the class. As per KTU rules, absence for all activities and contingencies should be limited to 25%.

Also, late comers will be marked, and two late marks will count as one absence. 

Attendance of February

Attendance at the end of March

28 13   65
64 12   60
42 11   55
10 11   55
40 9   45

Attendance at the end of April

41 23   72
64 22   69
57 22   69
10 22   69
40 21   66
24 21   66
42 19   59

Attendance as on 15/6/23
41 29   73
24 29   73
64 28   70
57 28   70
42 27   68
40 27   68
10 26   65

26/6, 27/6:

As per attendance rules, 8.2, attendance up to  10% can be considered for national level duty leave.

As per attendance rules, 8.3, attendance up to  5% can be considered for college level duty leave.

Duty leave permitted so far:
42 2 hrs
64 1 hr
1 5%
33 1hr
16 19 21 31 32 35 39 40 52 60 61 62 63 - 2 hrs

Latest attendance details, after accommodating above duty leave details.

42 34   73.91
57 33   71.73
40 33   71.73
41 30   65.21
10 29   63.04
Course Schedule
M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + T + A + E=
 9 + 10 + 8  +  8 + 10 = 45 + 4  + 2  +1 = 52

Max Possible:
Feb + Mar + Apr + May + Jun
Original 11 + 19 + 13 + 18 + 2 = 63
Now: 5 + 15 + 12 + 0 + 14 = 46 Final

5 + 15 +12 +0+14= 46. Final

KTU entries updated with changes for those with attendance shortage
13:56 The data as posted earlier have been submitted by me in the KTU portal, pending staff advisor submission, and college submission. Direct requests received by me till 4PM on 27/6/23 about attendance have been discussed with the HoD and appropriate actions have been taken, which is reflected in the portal submission.

Since I was present in the college throughout the course duration and especially towards the end of the course including Holidays, email requests were not considered. Further email requests directly will not be considered. Of course, errors from my side if any, pointed out via emails will be addressed.

If any other request is sent, it should be routed through the staff advisor.

Data as submitted to KTU.  
The calculation files corresponding to the final figures mentioned below is linked, which I forgot to do yesterday.(Even though no major change)
Attendance and internal marks have been finalised, based on the data at my disposal so far.
The attendance and internal marks readied for KTU portal entry are here. Inform me if any errors are detected.

Sessional is ready.
Attendance data is pending update.

8.35PM:  Internal and attendance data are updated. All data are subject to correction based correction in data.

The re-appearance chance for T1, T2, CA1, and CA2 are scheduled for 25/6/23, Sunday 11AM.
Anybody who wish to, eligible, and not yet obtained the permission for any of these may do so today(24/6/23). I will be in college till 7PM.

CA2: Re-appearance 33 conditionally permitted.

not applied
not approved
approved, pending verification
1 9 24 38 41 53 57 41

1 9 24 38 53 57 (6 Nos)
16 19 21 31 32 35 39 40 41 52 60 61 62 63 41

16 19 21 31 32 35 39 40 52 60 61 62 63 (13 Nos)

10 33 41 10 33 41

CA2 is scheduled for 10AM - 11.10AM, 23/6/22.

Re-chance requests for T1, T2, CA1, CA2 should be submitted in person by 4PM, 23/6/23.
The request should be supported by valid reasons and documents and to be recommended by staff advisor and HoD, and the concerned faculty if applicable.

Since S6C class and myself are not free in other duration the re-chance will most probably be scheduled on 25/6/23 Sunday.

Could not make arrangements at college for the online class. So, we will have regular sessions next week.
Our online session tomorrow is scheduled to commence at 11.15AM
Official date of commencement  - 6/2/23
Class ends on - 27/6 (updated later)